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Hollywood Movies List - FzMovies

Movies By: Will Smith - Morgan Freeman - Bruce Willi - Johnny Depp - Ben Stiller - Tom Hanks - Adam Sandler - Leonardo DiCaprio

Movies By Directors: Steven Spielberg - Martin Scorsese - Christopher Nolan - Alfred Hitchcock - James Cameron - Francis Ford Coppola - Quentin Tarantino - Guy Ritchie - David Fincher - George Lucas - Stanley Kubrick - Peter Jackson - Clint Eastwood - Ridley Scott - Tim Burton

Movies By Genre: Action - Adventure - Animation - Biography - Comedy - Crime - Documentary - Drama - Family - Fantasy - Film-Noir - History - Horror - Music - Musical - Mystery - Romance - Sci-Fi - Sport - Thriller - War - Western

Movies By Tags: airport | bank robbery | baseball | beach | bikini | california | car | deception | detective | gangster | honeymoon | lawyer | military | monster | newspaper | prison | supernatural | thief | vampire | world war two | wedding | zombie -> Hundreds of Other Tags

Frequent Pairings: Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise | Helena Bonham Carter and Johnny Depp | Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio | Jennifer Lawrence and Bradley Cooper | Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks | Other Pairings

Movies By Year: 2023 - 2022 - 2021 - 2020 - 2019 - 2018 - 2017 - 2016 - 2015 - 2014 - 2013 - 2012 - 2011 - 2010 - 2009 - 2008 - 2007 - 2006 - 2005 - 2004 - 2003 - 2002 - 2001 - 2000

Movies By Alphabetical Order: A to C - D to F - G to I - J to L - M to O - P to R - S to U - V to Z - 1 to 9

Movies By IMDB Rating: Above 9 - 9 to 8 - 8 to 7 - 7 to 6 - 6 to 5

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This is Gaza (2025) (WEB-DL)

Heat Pumps Are They Really Worth It (2025) (WEB-DL)
Alexis Conran investigates heat pumps, examining the pros and cons to help you choose the best option for your home. Can they save you money and will

Night Owl (2025) (WEB-DL)
Treyger's stand-up explores the struggles of new parenthood, venting frustrations about others' spouses, and self-deceptions around substance use.

Tom Green I Got A Mule (2025) (WEB-DL)

The Fish Thief A Great Lakes Mystery (2025) (WEBRip)
In the early twentieth century, a mysterious ecological crisis nearly wiped out the fish that most people cared about in the largest freshwater ecosys

The Intruder 2025 (2025) (WEBRip)
A young, paranoid man begins to believe someone is breaking into his house every night.

The Perfect Setting (2025) (WEBRip)
An aspiring jewelry designer returns to Belgium to visit her grandfather and hopefully win the Valentines Day Diamond Contest.

Flight Risk 2025 (2025) (WEB-DL)
A pilot transports an Air Marshal accompanying a fugitive to trial. As they cross the Alaskan wilderness, tensions soar and trust is tested, as not ev

Cornucopia (2025)
A groundbreaking concert experience blending Björk's "Utopia" album with cutting-edge VR and digital theater. The show merges live musi

This Is the Tom Green Documentary (2025) (WEB-DL)
Comedian Tom Green's journey takes unexpected turns as he shifts from wild MTV stunts to confronting serious health challenges, ultimately finding pea

Sunray Fallen Soldier (2025) (BluRay)
A war veteran calls on friends from his past to hunt down those responsible for the death of his daughter. Along the way, he learns more about himself

Into the Deep 2025 (2025) (WEBRip)
Modern day pirates on the hunt for sunken drugs kidnap a boat of tourists and force them to dive into shark infested waters to retrieve the contraband

Grafted (2025) (WEB-DL)
A bright but socially awkward exchange student takes her craving for popularity to horrifying heights.

Star Trek Section 31 (2025) (WEB-DL)
In Star Trek: Section 31, Emperor Philippa Georgiou joins a secret division of Starfleet tasked with protecting the United Federation of Planets, and

Zombie Strain (2025) (WEBRip)
During the zombie apocalypse, survivors trapped in a sound stage make an amazing discovery about a potent strain of marijuana. But tensions rise, mist

Dawn Chorus (2025) (WEBRip)
At the end of their sabbatical year backpacking around the world, four backpackers find themselves adding an unexpected stop among palm trees and snow

Sniper The Last Stand (2025) (WEB-DL)
An expert sniper leads a special ops team in Costa Verde to prevent a dangerous arms dealer from deploying a lethal weapon. While mentoring a rookie s

Oh Canada (2025) (WEBRip)
Leonard Fife, one of sixty thousand draft evaders and deserters who fled to Canada to avoid serving in Vietnam, shares all his secrets to de-mythologi

Finding Hope (2025)
Welsh-Iranian film-maker Sara Nourizadeh follows the story of teenage refugees Zari and Ali as they begin to rebuild their shattered lives with the he

My Argentine Heart (2025) (WEBRip)
Abril goes to Argentina to save her family ranch from being bought by her ex. But when outside forces threaten the ranch the pair must come together,

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